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For building a balanced life

A life transformation approach that helps you create your own balance between body, soul and spirit using ancient and modern wisdom


Truth. Love. Wisdom

We are so glad you’ve arrived. Remember that you are here for a very good reason, keep that in mind. Thank you for visiting. Equilivrium is where we share with you what interests us the most, sparking your excitement to build a wholesome, purposeful, loving new life following your truth, your love and creative magic to take inspired action and build it!​

Why equilivrium?. since 2012, my wife and I were "forced" to look at my life and lifestyle more seriously as I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes after neglecting both of our healths for years. For a full story, please read my two first blog posts. In summary, we decided to transform both of our lives, said to ourselves enough is enough, and it was time to take responsibility, build a new vision for health and re-focus. Our primary method to heal was to get back to nature and let our bodies heal by nourishing them with the appropriate nutrients for the mind, body, and soul. Since then, we have learned a lot about what it means to be healthy, which allowed me to reverse diabetes and regain health predominantly through natural methods. This change in our life direction also then allowed us to look at other areas like our finances and wealth creation/preservation and get that on track as well. Finally and most importantly, we learned about ourselves in the process, we grew as human beings by this process of progressive transformation and refinement. We developed what we call the SELF, which is where it all starts for health and wealth. These natural methods have had a lasting effect on both of us, it has transformed us into better versions of ourselves and now it is time to inspire and help others!

What we do. For a long time we have been coaching people informally, leveraging each other's experience in personal development, sales, leadership and business. As of 2021, we embarked on our next chapter to further develop ourselves and transform our lives yet again into fully-fledged professional life coaches. This was an unexpected and wonderful discovery by completing our training with Natural Sucess and William Whitecloud.  by following an intuitive, super conscious awareness based structure created by William Whitecloud. We love learning how to create using ancient wisdom from Alchemy as the foundation and framework to creating the life we want and love. We have also use it as a  framework for achieving balance between mind, body, and spirit. We have followed the whole curriculum and plan to be fully accredited by end of 2023.

In the meantime and for now, we are offering personal 1-2-1 coaching to clients using predominantly the natural success structure, premises and processes. We are also available to coach as a couple, virtually doubling the coaching power in one session, this has been super well received by our clients and very effective.


In case you are interested, we offer taster coaching sessions to provide you a sample of what you get. We base our coaching in using yours and our intuition to help us establish a good view on your currently situation, your vision for the future based on what you truly love and help you identify the inspired action to achieve your vision by making heart based choices as a daily practice.

This is a highly innovative creation & life transformation process that has already transformed our lives, helped us gain detailed, rich awareness of our past and present and helped us focus primarily in our future vision of creating newly found passions and purpose in life.

Our promise as coaches is to help you identify your heart-based choices in your life derived from your heart, what you truly love. And then keep you in the energy of creation of your new life by ensuring you are creating the life you want effectively and successfully. During this process you will also start to see shifts in your consciousness and awareness that will improve daily life as you start seeing you for who you truly are and not what you think you are. With this, comes true authentic communication, a much more sense of compassion towards yourself and others, and a love/joy for living life to the full.

NOTE: If you don't know anything about Superconciscous Awareness and tapping into your intuition, don't worry, we will teach you how to do this very simply and effectively in our first sessions.

Stay tuned. In the future, we plan to offer masterclasses, webinars, retreats and more! Please sign up to our email list to know when these events will be announced.

Please get in touch (see form and email below) in case you are interested so we can chat about your own circumstances and whether it is true for us to work together and for us to serve you. Thank you! Namaste.



Master Coach

My experience stems from being in the Corporate IT business for 25+ years where I've had the chance to develop and exercise a number of skills, manage multi-disciplinary teams and complex projects for sales and revenue growth. Dealing with different types of people made me realise how much I love working with people and being of service to them. I've always wondered how can I take this further and help people in more meaningful ways, with direct impact in their lives. Equilivrium is my way to sharing my breadth of expertise, wisdom and love for helping others succeed in life!


Master Coach

Karla's experience stems from being a practicing lawyer for 5 years and being in the property development business for the last 5 years. Currently she is a property investment coach where she inspires hundreds of people to build long lasting wealth through property investments. Throughout life she has been focused on being very organised and structured and this has lend itself quite well lately in her new role as a Programme Director for an education company where she handles operational and revenue generating projects to grow the business. Karla also has a passion to help, inspire and motivate people to transform their lives.



Many of us are not capable of predicting successful outcomes for our future selves in the areas of health and wealth development. By learning new ideas, creating effective systems and building/adopting better habits we can rebuild ourselves, our health and wealth. Developing the self is the force that keep things in balance.


Supporting you to create a strong, powerful and detailed vision of your health across multiple dimensions to achieve a balanced lifestyle. To establish a good picture of your current reality regarding Health. Build a new structure to support your goals and leverage practical resources to achieve your vision.


In order to manifest our physical reality we need change ourselves from within. Supporting you neutralise your negative tendencies, thought patterns and emotions and build a strong vision for your life that you love.


Supporting you to create a strong, powerful and detailed vision of your wealth generation activities. To establish a good picture of your current reality regarding Wealth. Build a new structure to support your goals and leverage practical resources to achieve your vision.


This is a passion project of mine and I'm very thankful to many people for supporting me throughout my struggles with being sick with Diabetes and the journey towards health.

First and foremost, my wife Karla whom has been my rock, my supporter in good and bad times but always there next to me, at my right hand side encouraging me and to keep on track.

My Mother for listening to me and understanding me, giving me words of encouragement to heal myself through natural methods.

My Dad and my brother Riccardo for their own experience in dealing with lifestyle related diseases, sometimes it's not only about what they have said or done or any advice given, it's about how disease impacted them in profound ways. Riccardo was always there for me as a child and I learned my first lessons in life from him, especially to have fun, be kind and take care of others.

My brother Fiore who has taught me many things I know today and whom without I wouldn't have pursued my current professional career which has given me so much in my life. He also taught me to have a morel compass, to do the right thing.

My brother Tiziano for his support and passion, he taught me to have integrity, to show strength and to be assertive in life. Also to perform a physical activity to keep healthy and centered. 

Big thank you to Dr. Robert Cohen whom has been a great mentor and guide through my physical and mental wellbeing.

My personal trainer Lianne, whom became an unsung hero in my road to recovery as I was completely clueless at the Gym when I started and for supporting me in reversing diabetes.

My personal trainer and coach, Danielle whom recently has done incredible work with us to get back on track with our exercise and other habits after a few months of disarray due to the pandemic and associated lockdowns.

My health and nutrition coaches at Nutritrending for helping me get back on track recently and post COVID-19.

To my teacher and coach, William Whitecloud, from whom - after being introduced by my friend Ivy (eternally grateful to her for it) - I found a new way of being, becoming a powerful creator and live in my true nature and purpose.

To my life coach Thurstan Crockett whom without him I wouldn't have built a vision for a second chance in life for me and my family. 

To all my mentors whom through books, endless podcast and Youtube listening/watching sessions have inspired me, have taught me and for whom I now pay it forward via this Website, thank you very much! Special mentions go to (in no particular order): 

- William Whitecloud

- Prof. Jordan B Peterson

- Dr. Jason Fung

- Dr. Michael Mosley

- Dr. Steven R. Covey

- Robert Kiyosaki

- David Allen

- Geshe Gelsang Gyatso

- Dr. Carol Dweck

- Simon Sinek

- Deepak Chopra

- Tony Robbins

- Tim Ferris

- Steve Jobs

- Joe Rogan

- T Harv Ecker

- Napoleon Hill

- Rob Moore

- Hal Elrod
- Simon Lancaster

- Richard Bandler

- George Orwell

- Dave Asprey

- Wim Hoff

- Seth Godin

- Brene Brown

- George Clason

- Charles Duhigg

- Richard Branson

- Robert Cialdini

- Steve Peters

- Thich Nhat Hanh

- Jim Kwik

And to all my family and friends who continue to support me, provide me encouragement to pursue my passion for sharing my experiences through this medium. Thank you to my friends Ivy, Pete, Ky-Le, Steve, Amrit, Jess, Ravi, Suzi, Gaby, Chano, Jane P, Jane H, Nicola for being there, for mentoring me, for supporting me to become who I am today.   

Last but not least my good old pal Chester, my labrador whom forever will live in my heart and taught me so much about strength, determination and zest for life. We will meet again one day! And my current Golden doodle Arya whom has been very patient sitting in front of me trying to persuade me from not typing too much and get out and play!

Thank you all, you have a special place in my heart. Namaste. 

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